“In our time, men must no longer emphasize what separates them, but what they have in common, while respecting each person’s identity”

- Amadou Hampaté Bâ


  • That's it ! Opening of the high school in October 2015!

    July 2, 2015

  • The chronology of primary school learning

    March 14, 2015

  • In 7th century Arabia, Bedouins used bicycles as a means

    October 5, 2014

  • The students race for academic success

    June 23, 2014

  • Differences that make a difference!

    April 16, 2014

  • If behind every beard there was wisdom

    April 14, 2014

  • Do our children really learn at school?

    April 13, 2014

  • Future of Nigerien students lie with teachers or tutors?

    April 12, 2014

  • The students at the school supermarket

    April 12, 2014

  • New middle school model based on quality education

    27 March 2014