Differences that make a difference!

April 16, 2014

A new college model capable of meeting the particular challenges of the Nigerien context

  • factual knowledge

  • conceptual knowledge

  • more self-confidence, less apprehension

  • more high expectations, less resignation

  • lots of encouragement and no bashing

At Hampaté Bâ College, we also believe in the need to rethink academic success in the light of human success, which is based in particular on cooperation and not on fierce competition; on the development of the relational quotient as much as the intellectual quotient.

Hampaté Bâ college also has the ambition to become a dynamic center for the continuing training of teachers.

The main objective we are aiming for at Hampaté Bâ is to  break the vicious circle of economic and human poverty in Niger through quality education that empowers and empowers young people.

Tomorrow, through such education, they will be able to meet the challenge of creating a civilization that is peaceful and just, united and diverse, prosperous and caring, technologically advanced and ecologically healthy, intellectually rich and ethically sound.