That's it ! Opening of the high school in October 2015!
To meet the ever-increasing demand from parents to open a high school section, Hampaté Bâ will open two second-year classes at the start of the next school year.
“It has been a long time since we realized that there was a demand that we had to respond to,” says Mr. Moussa Baro, the educational director of the establishment. We felt that it would be interesting to provide a general education educational offering that is specific to us. That is to say in a structure that is different, a little smaller, a little more focused on the needs of the students. »
The rise of the high school will occur over the years. In 2016, two first year classes will see the light of day and the following year, for the start of the 2017 school year, Hampaté Bâ will very logically open two final year classes.
“It’s an extraordinary challenge,” says Mr. Moussa Haougui, the manager of the establishment. This opening will allow us to meet the expectations of families who wish to offer their children a logical continuation from sixth to final year within our college which has now become a complex with the values, vision and mission that are ours. »
July 2, 2015